Homemade Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner
Earlier this summer the news broadcasts in Texas were reporting significant increases in the number of cases of cyclospora cases. Medical professionals reminded everyone that fruits and vegetables need to be washed before being consumed. Overnight, 'organic' fruit and vegetable cleaners appeared everywhere, and for a hefty price.
We had been warned that washing with water simply wasn't enough. So I did a little research and discovered that you could make your own veggie and fruit wash at home, for pennies. Here's how to do it: First -- purchase or find a spray bottle that has never been used for chemicals of any kind. This is important. Mix together, in the bottle: 2 cups water 2 tbsp lemon juice 2 tbsp baking soda. The mixture will be a bit foamy, but that's okay. To use it: spray on your food and allow it to sit for a few minutes. (5 or so) then rinse them under cold water. You can use a soft scrub brush if needed or desired on certain food items. Pat dry and store as usual. If you get into the habit of doing this when you return home from the grocery store with your produce, your family will be a lot safer when it comes to preventing unnecessary bacteria to be present in your kitchen and food. |