Great Camping Ideas Camping Recipes Don't Leave Home Without It List
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Mountain Man Breakfast - Julie Miklaszewicz
Pork Ribs with Cider and Apples
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The Campfire Gourmet - Apricot Glazed Pork Chops
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The great group of friends at Mom's Pantry have come up with a stellar list of camping out suggestions and recipes.
If you have a camping recipe you'd like to share (with or without a picture) send it us at our email address. We'd love to include it!
Carol C:
FOIL DINNERS: Use a good size piece of heavy duty aluminum foil. Hamburger or chicken, canned potatoes (those small sliced ones), your choice of vegetable, canned or frozen, 3 tbsp. your choice of cream soup right out of the can. Season to your liking. Place all together on heavy foil. Seal down center by folding over several times, same on ends. Place on hot grill for at least 30 minutes. Open and eat right off foil. Christina C:
CAMPING OUT EGGS - one big heavy duty ziplock Baggie per person, eggs, cheese, whatever you like in your eggs or omelet s (my son does cheese only, I do cheese, ham, onions and hot sauce). Crack open the eggs into the Baggie, add the rest of ingredients and squish the Baggie with your hands until eggs are broken up and ingredients are mixed together. Throw Baggie into full pot of boiling water until eggs are done. Lift out with tongs and eat. Voila, no mess except the seal-able Baggie and you can even throw your used plastic utensils in the bag.
Ann O:
BREAKFAST MOUNTAIN PIE: I invented the Breakfast Mountain Pie one weekend when the family wanted something a little different. Prepare your bread as usual, by buttering one side of two slices of bread. In the meantime, soft cook scrambled eggs in your skillet, adding whatever you usually do. ( I add some cream cheese and chives from the Philly tub ), and salt and pepper to your taste. Precook either bacon or sausage patties, (the brown and serve are fine, or even the "ready bacon". Place the bread in the mountain pie maker, and place scoop of the eggs, either the bacon or sausage and a half a slice of cheese. (whole slice gets very messy). Now cook, eat and enjoy. Remember to spray your pie maker with non-stick spray before placing bread. These are nice when there is a larger group, or lots of kids where finger-type foods are preferred because they are having too much fun camping to sit down to breakfast.
Mountain Pie Maker
One more for the mountain pie maker. My sister -in-law actually came up with this idea about 33 yrs ago when we were tent camping in Pa. You add one square of chocolate, either dark or milk chocolate in center of your cherry pie filling mountain pie. Yummy- Black forest Mtn. Pie ! Two squares makes it way too messy, and doesn't cook right.
Mike Z:
CAMPFIRE CORN: For campfire corn I peel the shuck back and de-silk the ear then I wrap bacon around the ear and put the shuck back around the ear. Then after wrapping it with foil I toss it into the hot coals for about 15 to 20 minutes to cook The bacon keeps it from burning and it is awesome.
4 to 8 large baking potatoes and 1 lb sausage. Cut a hole 1 inch in diameter through the potato (length-ways) Stuff with sausage. Wrap potato with heavy aluminum foil. Toss in hot coals, turn every now and then for 30 minutes or so stick with a fork through foil to see if soft (therefore done) Eat and enjoy.
Shirley W:
BUSH PIES: Our kids loved to make tons of different items using their Boyscout cast pie maker....Butter 2 pieces of bread & lay buttered side inside the pie maker...fill with any type of pie filling for a fruit pie OR put a tsp of tomato paste or sauce & add pizza fixings for a pizza pop OR any types of cheese for an awesome baked cheese instead of grilled cheese sandwich!! Put the pie maker over the fire OR coals & "bake" for several min turning to get an even browned "pie". Yvette S:
BANANA BOATS: slice through the banana down the middle careful to just make a pocket. Add M&Ms, marshmallows, peanut butter chips. Wrap in foil and put on top if the coals. Melts the goodies inside and warms the banana. TWICE BAKED POTATOES: bake and clean
out peel at home, add cheese, butter, sour cream, chives, salt,
pepper and bacon. Put the filling back in each side, put potato back
together and wrap with foil well. Just place right in the coals to
warm up and melt cheese. We do this when we grill steaks on our
camping trips.
Laura G:
Since camping space can be tight... rather than the "traditional" s'mores of graham crackers & chocolate, try roasting marshmallows and putting them on the Fudge Striped cookies. I assure you, they are beyond delicious! One of the best & easiest S'mores ever!!! Bridget B: Bannock, or golden boys( as my mum called em) bannock mix loosely around a stick till cooked then drizzle a little golden syrup into them. (Bannock recipe) Karen N.H:
Foil cupcake covers, put in some frozen mixed berries, top with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. Sit on foil tray and cover with foil. Takes about 5 minutes. Individual dessert! We use this in guides to use up leftovers after camp. Kids love it. Patty L:
Beer Roasted Turkey DELISH done in our camp fire. We stacked the hot rocks high and deep enough then put our grate in and set huge stock pot with the turkey inside. we set the turkey on one of those tall beers and seasoned it like we would if it were being roasted. Just roasted it till it was done.
Another favorite of ours is bannock. Bannock burgers, and brekkie bannock sandwiches done with bacon, eggs and cheese slices of choice...we also freeze anything that is freezable then use that along with ice blocks in our coolers. We have had things stay ice cold for more than a week. A good thing is to set the coolers in shady areas away from the tents or campers. We take along those pre-cut fruits and veggie trays. Nutrition it still important while roughing it! We munch on them and then roast some. Well worth the money.
Amanda McF:
Grilled veggies in tin foil with veggie spice on them!
Michele L:
Here is western Pa we make "mountain pies". Butter 2 slices of bread(butter side out) put in pie iron and for the filling you can do anything from pizza (pizza sauce, pepperoni, mozzarella in the middle) to apple pie. Done same way with apple pie filling in the center. Yum!
Adelenne L:
Slice the tops of a few oranges, scoop out the flesh, fill it them with brownie mix, wrap the oranges in heavy foil n put it on the grill. Instant campfire dessert!! Lisa M adds: Use can also fill oranges with cake mix or unbaked cinnamon rolls. Like the ones you buy in a roll.
Shirley H:
Main thing get plenty of ice to keep foods cold and for drinks. A friend and I use to prepare dinners and freeze. Chili and spaghetti with meat sauce. Beans and fried corn bread., because it keeps better and doesn't crumble up. And you can use it for breakfast with syrup and butter. Fruit and some junk food.
Terry M:
Breakfast is our guilty pleasure. Everything cooked in Cast Iron, eggs, potatoes, onion and green peppers. Cowboy coffee on the campfire. A pot of beans and we're good for the day!
Tracy G:
Taco salad in a dortitos bag. Ground beef with taco seasonings, slit the bag lengthwise(longest side) crunch up the doritos, rest of your fixings (cheese, sour cream , etc. )
Leanne T:
I prefer to keep my camping recipes simple. One of the best is corn kept in their husks thrown on the fire, they cook to perfection. Baked potatoes thrown in tin foil straight on the fire are always a good filler. Then I bring an iron skillet to cook my eggs and bacon in the morning and my burgers and hotdogs at nights! Must toast all bread!
Edie B:
I always made separate living areas on our camp site. Chairs, campfire, logs to sit on (Livingroom) Tent,vehicle trunk (Bedroom and closet) Utility table, elec.skillet, cooler, dishpan, coffee pot ,charcoal grill (Kitchen) Picnic Table( Diningroom) We always had breakfast and cooler was filled with sandwhich meats, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, condiments,. Table was always laden with bags of junk food, chips & cookies. Gotta have hotdogs, beans, and burgers and smores. Part of the fun of camping is the eating.
Jennifer A-S:
One of our favorites is a roast cooked in crock pot then frozen and reheated and served as sandwiches. And the frozen meat serves as ice to keep things cold in the cooler.
I read that if you fill a milk jug with water and add 1/4 cup of salt then freeze, it makes a ice block that won't melt all over your food in your coolers.
Ashley W:
We wrap bread dough around a roasting stick (twist it around the stick upwards and then covering over the top of the stick) then roast it over a fire. After it has browned nicely, we pull the "bread" off the stick and fill the hole (where the stick used up be) with either maple syrup or molasses.
Barbara B:
Tin Foil Dinner - onion slices, baby carrots, potato slices, salt & pepper & hamburg patty. Place burger then onion then carrot then potatoes season to taste. Fold foil closed & place on coals (flipping over ever so often) cooks in about 45 min (depends on thickness of burger) EVERYONE can help!
Patricia P.M:
Use a tub cake pan and sit a hole chicken on it with you favorite seasons cut 6 carrots, or 1 bag whole baby carrots, cube 3 potatoes, 2 onion, 1 cup of water and ½ stick of butter, now cover it with foil set it on the side of the camp fire grill and let it cook till chicken is done. Or you could use your grill with a cover it will cook faster. This is the same as a beer can chicken with out the beer and the stand that holds the beer,
Jeanne C:
POT CHICKEN: Put Crisco about 1/2" thick in the bottom of a cast Iron dutch oven. Top with potatoes that have been washed and quartered. Then another layer of Crisco. Then chicken pieces that you have dipped in seasoned flour. Then Crisco and potatoes. Fill to top and put a layer of Crisco on top. Put on lid.Have HOT coals ready and set the pot directly on the coals. cook approx. 20 min..yes, 20 min.Remove from fire Presto...roasted chicken and potatoes. This is not greasy as it cooks really fast. Must have hot coals.
Amber E:
Mexican S'mores: Take a small flour tortilla. Spread it with a layer of crunchy peanut butter. Top with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips, roll. Wrap in foil, place near fire, just long enough to melt ingredients. You can use larger tortillas, but these are VERY sweet, so we prefer the small ones.
Jessica L:
RUSTIC PIES: Take the iron sandwich press for the fire fill 2 slices of bread with eggs bacon and cheese. Or sandwich meat and cheese, feta mushrooms and spinach.. or pie filling (i like cheddar cheese on my pie so i throw a slice of cheddar in there to) then cook over the campfire.
Barbara Ann E:
Reynolds wrap hamburger or steak ,Quartered potatoes,onions, mushrooms whatever you like wrap put on low heat grill. Corn on the cob. Full meal.
Laurie S: DOUGH BALLS: Canned biscuits . Cut each biscuit into four pieces. Roll each piece into a ball. Roast on stick and then roll into melted butter and brown sugar. Enjoy!
Amanda W:
Our family loves shishkabob. I cut everything before we go and freeze in ziplock, the everyone gets to skewer whatever they want and cook their own. We do chicken, steak, peppers, onions, pineapples, cherry tomatoes; pretty much anything. Kids don't do mushrooms, but the adults like them
Rachel G.N:
Campfire banana splits: bananas,marshmallows, chocolate chips, whip cream and a cherry on top. Slice banana open add ingredients (minus whip cream and cherry) put in foil and banana will caramelize.
Melanie McC:
Potatoes, onions, and beef in gravy fried up in a cast iron skillet is delicious! Karen B:
Banana boats...leaving the skin on.cut a wedge from the top of the banana. Alternate mini marshmallows and Caramilk bar squares in the opening. Stand on the grate like a boat and roast over coals until chocolate is melted and marshmallows are browned.
Judith Z:
A must is mountain pies with the pizza filling or the ham n cheese, or the pie filling. With pie irons you can make pancakes, eggs, eggs in the nest, and even veggies. By the way you can cook a whole chicken (Walmart size) in 45 min in the Dutch oven with a good fire. Helps out you put some coals on top of the lid.
Kevin C:
Roasted wieners over the fire pit, cut each end into 4 pieces(2 slices) and then put roasting stick in the middle, as it roast over the fire it will spread out like a octopus. The 4 "legs" on each end get nice and crunchy. We always called them octopus!
Colleen L. W:
Using a waffle cone, place marshmallows at the bottom, add chopped up banana, top with chocolate. Wrap in foil and heat over camp fire.